January 2022
January Game Spotlight
Tournament of Champions
Members Rule in 2022
Monthly iPad Winner
January Kicker
“What’s New and a Kicker”
Our monthly newsletter designed to keep you up to date with everything that is going on at — plus a little bit more!
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January Game Spotlight – Stack the Deck

This month, we are featuring Stack the Deck, a great new game that will be appearing in more casinos very soon.

For a video highlighting the exciting new features of this game, click here!

In this game, you can stack the deck with cards you need on qualifying deals for more great wins. For example, when dealt three-of-a-kinds and four to the royal, the bonus awards up to five of the specific cards needed to complete the quad or royal, dramatically increasing the number of high paying hands. This also adds some exciting new pay categories only possible with the additional cards added to the deck.

You can earn 2X Players Club points for playing and can play Stack the Deck Poker right now by clicking here.

Tournament of Champions Starts Soon

The 2021 Tournament of Champions is fast approaching. Round One will begin on Monday, January 10th. 1,225 people qualified during 2021 and will be competing for a Las Vegas Dream Vacation valued at over $5,000!

Click here to see who has qualified and for information on how to qualify for next year’s tournament.

Members Rule in 2022

Our most popular contest ever continues - dedicated to you, the wonderful members of Once again, members will compete for the chance to host the weekly Members Rule Contest. Each week there is a competition to see who will host the following week's contest. Spin a reel that gives you a chance to play some quick video poker sessions in the Host Competition. The top score of the week is next week’s host - deciding the game and prize pool for the Members Rule Contest everyone will play next.

Click here to spin the reel now!

Monthly iPad Winner – It Pays to Play!

Congratulations to Hal&Deb, our latest iPad winner. Hal&Deb qualified with 170 contest sessions in December! We've also awarded GOLD memberships to 10 other random winners.

At the end of every month, we have a random drawing and award a brand new iPad to one lucky winner and GOLD memberships to 10 other winners. Each contest session you play during the month is a chance to earn an entry into the drawing, so the more sessions you play, the better your chance of winning!

Since all contests are playable on mobile devices, Hal&Deb will be able to play on a brand new iPad!

This Month's Kicker

I was playing my favorite machines at Red Rock by the movie theater (smart players will know the exact machines I am talking about) and on a run of hitting almost nothing. It happens. But the worst part was listening to an out-of-towner hooting and hollering because he hit 4's and a straight flush. Beginners luck of course. But then he leans over and tells me I should MOVE to another machine, because my machine hadn't hit all day. I bit my lip and did my best to ignore him and just kept playing. "Well, SUIT YOURSELF!" He says. I'm sure my annoyance was clear but I try not to engage. About 30 seconds later, up comes a ROYAL (holding 3) and I cash out right away with a $1,020 ticket. On my way past him, I put the ticket in his face and said "Looks like I suited myself just fine!" LOL. I didn't look back but I bet he jumped right over to my machine and stopped telling people what machine to play.


If you have an interesting or funny Video Poker fact or story you'd like to share, please let us know by sending email to

Did You Know Gold Members...
- Don't see ads
- Pick their pay tables
- And much more!
- Keep their credits
- Train while they play